Hi, my name is Dhruv Mehta
I'm a Developer & Learner.

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About Me

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I have completed by Bachelor's of Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering, I am currently pursuing my Master's from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay).

My interests lie in Development and Blockchain. Avid and enthusiastic learner exploring different stacks and technologies to expand my skillset and knowledge.

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Positivity Exchange

This project serves as a way for effective communication among like minded individuals built using Rust, Tokio, Channels, and TUI (Terminal User Interface) programming. It features a room-based chat server with a Terminal User Interface (TUI), utilizing technologies such as Tokio, Ratatui, and a Redux-inspired architecture.

Candy Drop

Developed and launched an NFT minting platform on the Solana devnet by leveraging the Metaplex framework

Citizen Scribe

A webapp to showcase the ability to write a chatbot webapp using only Rust, TailwindCSS and an Open Source language model such as a variant of GPT, LLaMA, etc.


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